Wednesday 22 May 2013

Vintage Emma

After moving Emma to Vintage Wallpapper photography (magic wond; select-inverse; eraser tool, smudge tool) I did:
*) Using Spot Healing Brush Tool I made skin look more photogenic
*) Using Smudge Tool on 3-5% I blur'ed face skin
*) Using Soft Light Brush I made eyes look brighter
*) Using Brush on 2-5% on Darken Color (chose blue color) made eyes more blue and with 5-20% Darken Color Tool (with different reds) made hair brighter and gave them more ''life''
*) Changed Contrast
*) Changed Exposure

For future I should need to do more research how about Vintage Photography, as I think its too much color and its way too bright for Vintage style photography.
But Im pleased that Im getting better in Photoshop and not so scared of it anymore.
Will try to make this photo for Vintage style looking and update result later.


  1. uh - and I changed Lip colour as well.
    NOTICE FOR MYSELF - Do posts same times as Photography or do screen shots! This helps myself when I forget something!

  2. one more notice - as I did this a few days ago, now I can see result better, and I think that hair in right side of photography looks very annatural (cropping) so next time I will pay more attention and be more patience for lines!

    1. Another good blog Maya, and it is good to see that you are evaluating you images. We have discussed previously how there is a difference in the tones that people like in different countries, is this one more Latvian than British in its saturation and tonality?
