Wednesday 29 May 2013


After having idea about something like this, first tried non-digital montage ( I used printed photo of mine, printed photo of eyes(google), glue, scissors & watercolor). I apply a bit watercolour so eyes would blend better with photo). I think it could look better if I would draw those eys as line is very noticeable.
Then I decided to have a go with digital version - Photoshop, to compare those 2 versions of montage.
I once again used the same photo of mine, then found some eyes drawing in google, cutted out using Laso Tool. So eyes would blend with my photography, I used Eraser Tool on different size and % (3-100).
It would be better for comparing if I could use the same image of eyes, but I could not find it again. Note - save images what Im planning to use/using!
Im glad about we are having this experimental unit, it makes me be more creative and gives loads of ideas about I would not thought before.


  1. It is good to see you trying different processes, I think that the digital one works better as you are less aware of the process.

    1. will try the painted one and we can choose! but yes, it does work so much better!
