Friday 3 May 2013

Presetion for the "Specialist Location"


  1. Just to recap on the feedback from your presentation;

    It would be good to have some examples of other companies cards in your planning.
    You should include some of the samples of cards that you are getting
    List the types of places, and the types of people that would buy your cards.
    Provide costings of both commercially printed and hand assembled cards.

    Your presentation was good, you were confident and it showed that you had planned your work. You did rush, slow down, you don't give people time to take in what you say. I think that because we had already discussed everything I could fill in the gaps, but te others did not know that you had already research aspects of your idea, don't assume that people know things. Thanks for doing te presentation at such sort notice.

    1. Now just remember that reply and use it each time I tell you to do something ;) (but without the sarcasm) ;)
