Wednesday 22 May 2013

Aaron and Brick wall (Photoshop)

Going trough my photos found this one with Aaron (from High Key lesson). Wanted to add some character for this photography otherwise it reminded me passport type ones. I used Magic Wand tool again, then Select - Inverse I moved Aaaron to Brick wall photography. Then I used Eraser tool with minimal % to delete line between Aaron and Brick photography. I used it on minimal brush size, the hardest part was hair.
Then I used Spot Heeling Brush Tool for face skin part, then I used Smudge tool on 3% to make skin look more healthy and photogenic. I used brush tool with Soft Light option to make eyes look brighter and just for fun added some Blue-ish color for eyes (used Brush Tool with color option on 2-5%). And done!

1 comment:

  1. Well done, that looks good. Your description is very good including the use of blend options.
