Monday 3 June 2013

Flowers - Specialist Location

Being inspired by Nickola Beck, I tried to do some more outdoor photography. 
Firstly I did hours and hours long research on location (ok, I did not, I just knew perfect place for it - Didsbury Parsonage Gardens).
And luckily I was blessed with sunny day, so day light source worked perfect for me. 
So the result :

I love how depth of field worked in this one. I changed contrast and using Soft Light Tool in Photoshop made background just a little bit lighter, leaving pink flower as main object in photography. 

I really like composition in this one, but shame that its too blur. I should try to work with tripod maybe, that could help? 

Had the same trouble with this one - not sharp enough!

I think this is my new favorite image, really like how lights works on this one, depth of field as well. 

I think it would be better if all of purple flowers would be in focus!

My biggest lesson from this shoot - use tripod! So many photos has come out blur! 

1 comment:

  1. Good post Maya, you have evaluated your images well - and the pics are pretty good as well.
