Monday 3 June 2013

Chris Enos

Chris Enos has been an artist/photographer for over 40 years. In 1976 she founded the Photographic Resource Center in Boston, Massachusetts. She now lives and works in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

 In this photography its easy to see that she is an artist as well. For me its more abstract than still life image. I like the colors and texture.

She has one style how she is working and its easy to recognize it. She is more about texture and color, than a composition. To be honest I can not say that I'm huge fan of hers, and that's why Im doing research on her, to try argument with myself WHY I don't sympathize her work. Its much more hard to talk objective about someone who you don't like that someone who you love. Its probably mostly of her style, Im fan of details, close-up's and compositions than something like this. For me it just reminds something what been taken with no any plan or idea, just like a random photography. But I would like to try something as this, I assume her photos are planned, and still does looks like perfect composition, and I love how she is playing on color and texture.

In most of here photos flowers are a bit old, and it gives more contrast in photo, like photo above where is this pure white flower and part of it its old and yellow. Old is just different beauty!


  1. A brutally honest evaluation of her work, you make some very valid points and I agree that it is a good idea to also comment people who you dont like.
