Monday 3 June 2013

Edward Weston - Still Life Photgraphy

"one of the most innovative and influential American photographers…"

As Iv done some research for now-day photographers, I wanted to go somewhere where it all started.. and get inspiration from some very first still life photographers! 

I find that Edward Weston is still one if the best still life photographers. His working style could be explain with - less is more. His style is very simple if Im aloud to say that, but very genius. He use more close-up's and his photography is more about details. 

 As he has done loads of female photography, I can understand where he gets his inspiration from. This photography is been famous for making this pepper look like a humans body. Its amazing example for personification. This photography shows that art is everywhere, even if thats just a pepper, you can make it look like masterpiece. This photography is full of shape and its very powerful. No wonder its one the most famous still life photo's ever made. 

His critical eye paid off as he quickly gained more recognition for his work. He won prizes in national competitions, published several more photographs and wrote articles for magazines such as Photo-Era and American Photography, championing the pictorial style.

I really like this one. Im amazed how much close-up can do in photography. The form & the texture is making plain cabbage leave to something big and genius. Im looking forward to try something like this. If photography inspires me - that means everything for me.

I admire how much risk he was taking and how different he is from everyone else. He invite whole new style in photography. Simple but genius!!!


  1. Good research, you make some good points, can we sit down and correct your English at some point? This is not intended as a criticism, just aimed at being helpful.

    1. we must use google translate anyway... :)
