Monday 22 April 2013


My plan for montage:
* Research of different montages
* Theme of montage
* Find all the photos for montage

After doing my research I came up with an idea that I should create a montage about how nature is destroyed with buildings, factory's etc. About how there is more rubbish than landscapes and nature.
My plan was to find a photograph with a tree in the center (photo1). Then I tried to find a photo with buildings or a factory,  I thought that the one I chose (photo2) fits perfectly, especially because of the smoke.
 Then its time for fun - Photoshop (I used Photoshop CS5).
First I opened photo 1. Then I opened photo 2 and cropped it. After cropping photo 2 I put it on photo 1. To give it a better look, not just 2 photos mixed together, I used the Eraser Tool on photo2. As well so the left side would blend better, trough Layers I used Multiply option.  I think the result worked well. 
To give more life to the nature side of the photo, I found a photo of a bird. Then using the Magnetic Lasso Tool I cropped it out. Another option is to use quick mask with the brush on 100% opacity. Using the shortcut command+c I copied and pasted 3 more birds. Using Edit-Transform-Scale I changed the size of the birds.
 To give more spirit for left (natural) side of the photo I research some photos of animals, and I thought that this rabbit was perfect for my montage. I used the Magic Wand Tool to crop it out from original photo, than put in my montage. I chose Hard Light option trough Layers and then blend it together with Eraser Tool so would look like rabbit is hiding in grass.
To show more about my main idea about how people are leaving rubbish everywhere I chose a photo with plastic bottles. I used Lasso Tool to crop them out, then used again Hard Light option trough Layers so it would blend together.
The last step was text, I came up with " What side would you choose?" (Well actually I put What side you would choose but my mate Aaron said i should swop would&you, as you have notice my English is not the best :) I applied text just using Horizontal Type Tool.
And wollaah - its done!


  1. Maya I don't know why you resist writing more, I enjoyed reading that. It is fine for a blog, your chatty, open style makes a lovely change from the more formally written blogs that I am used to. You shouldn't write more important deliveries like this, buit this is OK for your blog.

    Your montage is very good, there are mistakes, such as not having enough feather on your selections, but you have done very well. I like the concept and your finished images fits the concept well. Your lack of confidence with Photoshop doesn't show here.

    1. well next week hopefully will get my computer sorted with photoshop and can get it back! :) :)
      I dont know whats the right way of formal English is, thats why i find it complicated to write.

    2. I would much rather you wrote in this manner than didn't write at all, as long as you demonstrate knowledge then I am happy.
