Monday 22 April 2013

Health and Safety

 Five steps to risk assessment .
1. Identify the hazards
2. Decide who might be harmed and how
3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution
4. Record your findings and implement them
5. Review your assessment and update if necessary

I should have atleast basic knowledge (or anyone who want to work in dark room or with any chemicals) about "Health and Safety" so I would not harm myself (or kill).

The first thing using chemicals I should need to check if there is any COSHH (Control os Substances Hazardous to Health) label(s).
Like theese:

If by any chance happened accident we should follow instruction what says on bottle, like wash damaged place with running cold water etc, when going to hospital we should take bottle with us so we could give to doctors and they can recognise how to treat damage.

There is few basic rules for darkroom:

·      Limit access to the darkroom. Only approved persons should be allowed to   
       work in the room.
·      Practice good housekeeping. Keep the work area clean and uncluttered to    
       prevent tripping over hazardous chemical bottles.
·      Separate the wet and dry areas.
·      Always segregate chemicals. (Don’t store acids near reducer).
·      Use the least toxic chemicals available. Avoid cyanides, heavy metals and 
       developers containing pyrocatechol or pyrogallol when possible.
·      Do not store chemicals on the floor.
·      Do not eat, drink or smoke in the darkroom.
·      The darkroom should be well ventilated.
·      Wear appropriate protective equipment whenever possible, such as gloves and   
·      Always wash hands with soap and warm water after working with chemicals.
·      Know how to use emergency equipment prior to an actual emergency.
·      Always Add Acid to water, never water to acid. (Remember ‘AAA’)
·      Keep a spill kit in the darkroom.
·      Do not use paper towels or saw dust to clean up acid spills as this may cause a 
·      Pregnant women should not be exposed to powdered developer.
·      Store all chemicals in locations that will minimize the chance of breakage and 
·      Label all containers.
·      Keep all containers and trays closed or covered when not in use to prevent the 
       release of toxic gases.
·      Do not wash any chemicals down the sink (exceptions noted below).
• All spent 
       chemicals should be placed into an appropriate waste container. (A container the 
       same as the one the chemical was originally shipped in is best).

Anyone should have basic knowledge about how to organise work space, how to report problems, organise desk space to work comfortably,adopting good posture, how to adjusting the screen and lightining to avoid reflections and glare. 

One of things anyone should know about working anywhere is what the risk assesments are and how report problems.


  1. I can't in all honesty comment on this, at least if you had re-written it then there would be evidence of learning taking place, but to just copy and paste someone else's work is not what I expect.

  2. This is much better now that you have re-written it - this will do nicely.
