Monday 4 March 2013

MAN AND HIS GUITAR (photos&research)

We were given a task to take a photography for music album cover. When I was looking for some photos for some inspiration I fell in love with more like low key lightening type photos. I think they are giving a great atmosphere and would very suit for one guy band. I did not wanted colour-full and "happy" photography, I wanted something deep, dark and moody. As I wanted to guitar to be centr of attention I found what honey comb would be best lightening for these photos. 
So my photoshoot planning was:
- research (looking for photographs for inspiration)
- fin a model 
- find a guitar
- find the best lightening 

These are few of the photos I tried to "redo". But as you can see Iv used what i had - studio and no micraphone, but I found it really well working with just man, guitar and chair. 

And so here is the result.



1 comment:

  1. Look good Maya, I especially like the atmosphere that you have created, and my Tele looks nice. The honeycomb works well on this as it concentrates the light in the centre. Use this for your studio unit
