Sunday 3 March 2013

Converting to BLACK n WHITE

In this post Im trying to show better way how to converte photo to black&white. Most of people are use to do it (guilty) fastest way - just auto black and white (LEFT) but Photoshop gives us an option to do it better way - choosing wich colours (even when they are black and white) we would like to accent, for example if that would be photo of sunset, we would like to accent red's, and that would give a lot more details. My example may not be the best but shows my ability and knowledge to do it (RIGHT)

Disturbing way would be - Image - Adjusments - Black and White (ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+B), non disturbing is on below right, 4th button (under Layers)


  1. Maya Im glad to see you posting like this. This shows that you understand the process, and you have demonstrated that you can use the adjustment layer to improve the image.

    Just one thing, it is non-destructive, not non-disturbing, but to be honest I much prefer your version.

    1. well im so smart haha :D :D
      well iv said u before,i dont like to follow rules.. lol
